Friday, November 2, 2007

My baby is back from the dead...

After sitting in my dank basement for 2 years after I unintentionally "Integrated" the seatpost to the frame, I had the nice guys at Circle A cycles in Providence fix it for me. I have not seen it yet, but I am very very excited. Now I just have to find out where I put my fork. It may be any where.

Thank you to Brian and Chris at Circle A Cycles. Another reason why I would like to move down to Providence!!!


pvb said...

I love the look of straight blade forks. And hopefully you still have that Cinelli stem - that piece is as dignified as an Aquascutum bill-fold.

Unknown said...

dude, he sold that stem the minute it came off the bike!

i'm more surprised by the campy in the picture. when did things go so wrong for you yash? i mean, everything was so right in that picture.

Yash Katsumi said...

Don't you worry my son, it is Campy Centaur from now on for me.