Anyways, those with a keen eye will be able to tell right away what I have done. I think the helmet looks WORLDS better than it did before. Jamner, I think you should do the same, since you have the same helmet. It seriously looks like a brand new helmet.

Today Mike M. and I went on a blisteringly cold ride. It was 15 or something with a windchill of 4 degrees. When we started my face was beginning to get really itchy bceause of the intense cold. We ended up doing a really great cross workout somewhere off the bike path with us trying out the McCormack method(Unclipping both feet and stepping through) of dimounting versus the Sven Nys(no Step through) approach that I like to do. With the Crank Brothers pedals, I have found that the pedals don't necesarily unclip if I do the step through, so I have completely stopped doing the step through apporach to dismounting. I am very glad we did not ride too far since it was way too cold.
We both lamented the conditions of our shitty shitty brakes.
We rode laps on the arlington soccer field. The snow riding was crazy hard and totally treacherous!!!!! At one point I found this total sweet spot where I was riding peoples footsteps.
Anyways, I was pretty excited to get some riding in this weekend, and of course to see the Patriots win.
Why does Meg have "expensive" white nail polish? Can't she just use white out?
She will be using White Out once I replace the contents of the nail polish with white out.
I've been working on the (I think) Johnson dismount where you actually unclip and land first on your left foot, so it's neither a step through nor step behind. It has been working great except when I get nervous, then I revert to the Cox method of "throwing your bike on the ground and then stepping on it." This method usually ends up costing me time.
In actuality, I usually throw myself on the ground with the bike on top, then push the bike off of me, and then pick it up and start running. I tried to convince my teammates to adopt this method too, since I think that it is faster than the afore mentioned methods.
dude, want to lend me the nail polish next time I am in/around beantown...prbly like april for the collegiate race there?
it looks great, btw.
btw, I recieved the slap from matt. I responded by sticking a framepump in his spokes (thats how I roll). he fell over and promtly got run over by a semi. Only then I realized that the retaliation should have been aimed at you, not home. His blood is on your hands and I fully expect you to support his family. Oh yea, just so you know, there is a frame pump out there looking for your spokes...
and the jcox mentioned method works pretty well...I toyed with it for awhile, but in the end I try and do the step through for high speed barriers (and my eggs seem to come out fine) and the step behind for runups...that said my cross racing is decidedly NOT a thing of beauty nor is it technically proficient.
I think you are right, different dismount menthods for different circumstances.
Also, he was supposed to punch you in the face.
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