Thursday, March 13, 2008

New Best Friend....

Back in 2002 I spent hours weighing out different options for the best digital camera under $300. I finally bought this little number, the Fuji Finepix 2600. It had a wopping 2.1 MPXL, and was around $350 including all of the accessories.

Today, I shall make a huge purchase...A new portable digital camera that I can take to document the plight of mankind...

I just bought he Sony Cybershot W55. I cannot believe you can get a camera of this caliber for $129.99. It has fircking 7.2 MPXLs!!!! That is more than my digital SLR. How can they pack so much equipment into this little nugget???


pvb said...

Good, now you can stop copping all your pictures from google images.

That first camera looks like R. Michael's chub phone.

Yash Katsumi said...

Also, I can make a video.

Dude, are we totally f'ed? It is matter of time before the public finds out that we are client #3 and #7.

Why why why didn't I just use cash?????