He is apparently on the forefront of something called Elevated Fashion. Elevated Fashion is approximately 5-7 years ahead of High Fashion, which is widely regarded as 10 years ahead of fashion, as we know it today.
Recently he shocked me to my foundations by casually noting that these helmets will be the biggest trend among Hipsters within the next 2-3 years.
It is true, it combines everything hipsters love. It is White, it has a star, and it is not an official cycling helmet, and retains much funk inside the helmet.
Disclaimer: This is a sincere post. This is not meant to be a hater blog on hipsters.
And lets not forget that the sides can be personalized with cool nicknames like "Mavrick" and "Iceman"!
One of the criteria that you forgot to mention is the fact that this helmet is both impractical and unsafe, which are two things that hipsters love more than stink.
True True.
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