Here is my HR Profile from our NH Saturday morning cross workout. The course was very flat , with no sharp turns, one shallow sand section and a dangerous chain which I avoided at all costs. This was the perfect venue to really open up to high speeds and hold it for 6-7 minutes. As can be seen from the profile, the first 6 intervals are done really well. On the Seventh one, I cracked halfway through and never recovered. The eighth one started pretty well and I was able to finish strong. It is amazing how much harder you can ride with Simpson's encouragement. I dug pretty deep into my office desk drawer of courage. There I found some pennies and a used band-aid.
Here is Marky Mark giving a short speech about the importance of Chamois Cream. I am not sure what Chip is doing.
Quiet Steve, not to be confused with Naked Steve, is not having any of it.
I am about to go on a run with Steve after the workout. It did not last long.On Monday, PVB and I went on a pretty great Labor day ride for exactly 3 hours. We had coffee at Bloc 11 and discussed some fundamentally provocative issues relating to the abstract use of Greek mythology in Post Modern Neo-Retro Morman theology.
Wait, isn't that the guy on the skateboard in the Cingular ad?
Damn the chain, I saw it take Bramhall's knees out from under him...I think I even watched as the Linkster bunny hopped the mother....
Japan Boy Bands Rule...
that was verizon
and yes that was me.
send me an email and i'll
get you an autographed head shot
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