Saturday morning I went on a leg opening ride with a new hupster Josh. I think the term Leg Opener is totally appropriate because at times you feel that there is limitless potential bubbling within your legs, but you just don't have the right key, or the right combination to set it free. The morning was incredibly cold and I even contemplated turning back home.
Josh and I rode for two hours through the Winch and concord and back. Very mellow and a totally perfect ride. He went home to take his GF bird watching and i went home to do some errands.
Sunday morning, I got off to a slow start and ended up getting to the venue way later than usual.
I looked all around to find the HUPSHIFT tent and was relieved to see Jeff, Matt, Steve, Theo, and many others hanging around and watching some racing. It turns out Jeff and Steve rode super strong and finished quite well and we should be expecting these guys to upgrade to a three after this season....
But I really wish i could.
Dude, I was beat by the Matador this weekend! I am crushed!
I enjoyed watching you fight off Rebecca Wellons in this race.
You are especially smooth in the sandpit, I took note of your technique.
The matador is great indeed.
We can only feel honored to have been speared by his sharp blade.
What people do not know is that I was afraid of becoming the most hated man if I try to sprint against her at the finale so I picked it up just a little bit to drop her and catch Morrison. Luckily there was an incident on the stairs that made it much easier.
Did this incident involve you sabotaging Ms. Wellons when no one was looking?
And for future reference, if a female is strong enough to challenge you, then out sprinting her is fair. Either way, you'd probably rather be a villain than the dude who got smoked by the girl, right?
There was a moment on the run up where she slipped and I put the Mother F'n Hammer DOWN....
Although it should not matter whether the person you are racing with is a girl or not, somehow it does.
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