Sunday, August 26, 2007


Holy crap.

Cyclocross is hard.

I was able to ride 3 laps Au Bloc and after that my body and mind completely shut down.

All throughout the fourth lap I was trying to think of other sports I did not totally suck at. I couldn't think of too many.

Things I am really good at: Watching movies. Remembering faces. Putting together a bike. Driving carefully.

I kind of think these guys are funny.


josh said...

So the mind shut down led to riding past the downed course tape and getting lose in the woods? It's too bad that didn't turn out to be a shortcut which led you to the win.

p.s. I added you to my blogroll as well.

zank said...

Yash-pal, it's only August! The first race of the year always sucks anyway. Don't give it a second thought.

Yash Katsumi said...

Josh!!! Good to see you out there. I was riding down this insane water gutter thing for about a half mile thinking, this does not seem too familiar...but at least it is soft.

I ended up on the main road that we came driving in, rode that in the worng direction for a while and hopped back in for the last lap.

Greg said...

I think Zank may be on to something, Yash.It's August homie and while you need to be stoking those coals, December is where your cross hairs need to be! Save some matches and get those skills back into your muscle-memory.

'Cross on.

Yash Katsumi said...

I am already getting pretty excited about the next race.

That is what, I suppose, separates us from intelligent people and also animals. We easily forget the discomforts of racing.

pvb said...

The shaggier of the flight of the concord guys looks like Murphy.

Yash Katsumi said...


Yash Katsumi said...

Yo I need a better warm up next time. Not just leg warmer action.

123123 said...

considering learning the song and singing it to Mr RMM on wednesday nights... do you think I should cast for second vocals (that high pitched "awww!!!" at the end of the song I might not find myself able to manage)?

Yash Katsumi said...

You know how I know its business times? Cause its Wednesday.

van den kombs said...

No worries Yash,
Zac told me the NOIR kit will make us go 5 mph faster..
sounds good to me !
see you at sucker brook to get the goods.